National Gourmet Coffee Day

This is a fun holiday to celebrate!  I say this at almost five o'clock in the morning while enjoying a cup of French Vanilla coffee.  Yes, I am very much a morning person, and one who enjoys his java.  In fact, I can usually enjoy a good cup of coffee right up till about the mid-afternoon.  In 1996 I took on my very first management position with Gloria Jeans Gourmet Coffees in the Galleria Mall located in Houston, Texas.  This was quite an education as I didn't realize how much there was to learn about the coffee industry.  First I learned the difference between Arabica and robusto beans.  Then I became fascinated with the different type of grinder settings, and which was used for the various types of coffee machines on the market.  Next was how the coffee beans were flavored.  I could go on and on.  By no means am I an expert or sophisticated connoisseur, but I am also no idiot when it comes to my knowledge of coffee beans and the art of the industry.  I do enjoy a great Cup of Joe.  There are quite a few coffee houses I frequent which are located across the great state of Texas.  First is Buon Giorno in Fort Worth.  Then there is Genuine Joe's, Mozart's, and Spider House, located in Austin, Texas.  Finally, I'll mention Las Chivas located right outside of Santa Fe in El Dorado, New Mexico.  Whenever you travel, be sure to find yourself a local coffee house to visit.  (Starbuck's doesn't count.)  Maybe one off the beaten path will suffice.  Interact with the locals and taste the flavour and ambiance of the establishment.  This will allow you to feel the pulse of the city and it's citizens.  You might be surprised at what you discover.  People can find commonality around almost anything, so why not make it a great cup of gourmet coffee.  Enjoy your day.


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