Celebration of Life Day

Every day ought to be a celebration, especially a celebration of life.  There have been quite a few instances in my life I underwent some very dark times, but God always walked with me.  Not only did I get through those trials and struggles, but I came out a better person much richer in personal experience and wisdom.  I like to call these times the refiner's fire.  Diamonds are formed under intense pressure.  Gold and silver have to be mined, and then purified through intense heat to draw off the impurities.  The process of making all these precious gems are not pretty, but they are necessary to bring forth value and substance.  The end result gives cause to celebrate the bounty of blessings God bestows.  God is seeking His glory and worship through shaping and molding us in to the image of His Son Jesus.  Whether you are in a trial or an oasis of blessing right now, give praise for the process you are currently undergoing.  Life is cyclical and full of seasons.  None are permanent.  Set you eyes are things above and seek a relationship with God, the very God who desperately wants a relationship with you.  True joy trumps happiness, but maybe you'll find both.  Celebrate life!


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