Customer Service Day

From first-hand experience, providing customer service in any way, shape, and form is not easy.  Over the years my tolerance for inappropriate behavior from the customer has diminished to almost nil.  The old adage "The customer is always right!" has turned in to a license for people to demand stuff not deserved, to verbally abuse and berate the person trying to help, and a whole litany of other demeaning behaviors.  I have been around the block long enough in retail and customer service to expect and demand reciprocal behavior from the customer.  Whether or not I like the person I'm dealing with, I am civil and respectful and expect the same in return.  Recently, in working at the smoke shop, I kicked out and banned a customer from the store for his atrociously rude behavior.  Personally I found it revolting people actually behave this way in public, ignorant of what the problem is.  Much of this is due to the "Me Generation".  People seem incapable of not thinking of themselves long enough nor able to consider their impact of the world beyond the three foot radius of their personage.  Whatever happened to giving of oneself or investing in the life of another.  Consider this the next time you come in contact with "Customer Service" over the phone or in person.  Leave this person better off having interacted with you.  Remember, we are created in the image of God as His children.  You and I may be the only reflection of the Almighty another person experiences.


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