Happy New Year!

A new year is upon us...Happy 2016!  Thank you God for the ability and option for a fresh start.  Of course I don't have to wait till a new year to do so, even though most people do.  Each and every day God gives me the strength to break free from old bad habits to begin anew in a life He desperately wants me to live.  My desire is for 2016 to bring greater acceptance, joy, and love to this life on earth while realizing eternity is waiting for me way beyond the blue.  I'm not a firm believer in New Year's Resolutions in view of my sinful and failed humanity.  However, I do have a few goals for this year.  First, to not procrastinate when there is a chore or errand to accomplish.  This includes calling friends and family if and when I haven't spoken with them in a while.  Second, to finally begin researching the family genealogy.  I've been monkeying around with this stuff long enough as I need to finally stop dragging my feet and get it done.  A lot of the delay involves feeling overwhelmed as I'm unsure how or where to begin.  There are a few other goals for the year, but I'll at least mention one more...the desire to eat healthier.  This one is probably on everyone's list.  Well, the clock of time is marching forward.  The questions are, "What will I do with the time given me?  "Will I act as a good steward of the gift of time God has granted?"  We'll see.  Have a Happy New Year!


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