Solitude Day

Solitude, the act of remaining with one's own company to wade through deliberations of the mind.  To some this may also include completely shutting out the outside world from further distraction and intrusion.  This sounds like paradise to me.  In the neighborhood I live in, the passers-by pose and perform for others, as if they are on stage strutting who they are and what they have.  Whether this is the latest car or current fashion in clothing, violating the Loud Noise Ordinance by blaring the vehicle's radio, or talking loudly so everyone can hear how he or she lives their life.  Sadly, this is what the world has come too.  When someone does find themselves alone, the immediate course of action is to dive in to the realm of digital and social media via an I-Phone, TV, or computer.  No one seems to be able to zone out in meditation anymore.  Are we as a society so scared of what may come welling up out of our hearts and minds?  Unresolved thoughts and issues of life must be dealt with or we fall prey to dysfunction, disorder, and eventual chaos.  Today is Solitude Day.  Make an attempt at practicing the art of meditation and alone-ness.  For us introverts, this is truly how we charge our internal batteries.  I believe the art of solitude promotes overall health and wellness.  Enjoy your day of solitude.


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