Saint Patrick's Day!

A few years ago, I read up on the holiday and discovered quite a few interesting facts about Saint Patrick's Day.  First, the original color of the day was blue, not green.  That one shocked me as I always had it ingrained in my psyche the official color was green.  Secondly, Ireland doesn't have any snakes.  You may ask what the heck this has to do with anything.  Well, if the island nation doesn't have any snakes, the likelihood is slim Saint Patrick drove out all the snakes.  Some may joke, if he drove out all the snakes, of course they don't have any.  Ha ha!  The three-leaf shamrock was used by the Saint as a spiritual lesson for the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  There are many other fun facts about the holiday, but I thought these were the most interesting.  My younger brother's name is Patrick.  Growing up I would always tell him how jealous I was of his getting a special day of commemoration.  Now he is old enough to know better concerning the holiday.  I don't have any special plans for the day other than to wear green.  Since I don't drink anymore, I will have to pass on the green beer.  Whatever your plans are, have fun but stay safe.


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