Bucket List -- Checked Off!

A streak of productivity colored my day.  First, I did work a little bit for TNG this morning.  It wasn't anything I absolutely had to accomplish today, but it does help to streamline the rest of the week.  In addition, I won't have it hanging over my head as I perform the other tasks.  Then I took my neighbor's roommate to Home Depot for a time of shopping.  While there, I purchased the necessary tools to hang pictures on the walls of the bedroom: a hammer drill bit and a package of concrete screws.  Once back at the apartment, I hired this guy to take care of the project at-hand.  The end result looks beautiful.  Not only did it check off the project from the "to-do list", but it more than adequately fills up the bare walls.  Similar to getting the fan installed in the ceiling, getting the pictures hung was two and a half years in the making.  In a little while I will also undertake a bicycle ride through the neighborhood.  Since I didn't get to do so yesterday, I may stay out a while longer than normal.  I also have a bunch of pictures to take in order to replace the ones I lost.  Wow, I wish a productive disposition would strike more often.  After all this, I will definitely call it a day.  To my readers I must ask, how was your day?  Was it productive?  Certainly I hope it was.  Enjoy your holiday weekend.


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