Simplicity Day!

Keep it simple silly, or K.I.S.S. for short.  Everyone needs to do this, especially in the technological age that has consumed us.  The world is passing us by for want of social interaction and taking stock of what is happening daily.  Lately I've been diligently working to simplify my life.  First I have deleted two email accounts and have streamlined my "online presence".  Then I have been slowly but surely giving away material possessions that I haven't used for quite some time: clothes and other items cluttering the apartment.  (Making donations to Goodwill benefits the lives of others, and also makes for a great tax write-off.)  Then I am re-evaluating social obligations that the world at-large deems necessary.  The main question I ask myself, "Does what I involve myself with further accomplish the goals and desires I have in view of the long-term vision I have cast?"  With this in mind, I can assess what is truly important.  Simplicity, or the lack of convoluted complication, really takes the stressful burden off my shoulders.  I can now breathe a sigh of relief.  People need to perform this ritual from time to time.  Take advantage of this obscure holiday by looking at the life we currently lead.  What is really crucial to our well-being?  Is this something I really want to become involved with, or is it simply a time-filler?  Ask the hard questions and see what you come up with for an answer.  The results may surprise you.  Enjoy the holiday.


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