National Twilight Zone Day

Honestly, I didn't realize there was such a holiday.  These things are getting crazier by the day.  Oh well!  Anyway, today was actually fairly normal, or about as normal as I ever hope to get in this life.  People who know me really well always consider me a little off-kilter, off-center, slightly strange, or, as I light to call the behavior, eccentric.  Yes, I don't really fit in to the normal mold most people fall in to.  Guess what?!  That's okay, as I relish and take pride in living life as a loose cannon.  My temperament and personality keeps everyone guessing, and I enjoy the amusement.  Maybe that conjures a Twilight Zone of my own imagination.  At any rate, I really enjoy my uniqueness, the fact I am so different from most of the world around me.  This is what makes me who I am.  What I find sad is when I see people desperate to fit in, prostituting the creation God has made them to be, and therefore losing their identity.  People who have driven innovation, history, and literature have all been individuals who didn't fit in to society at-large.  Think of William Wilberforce, Steve Jobs, or Oliver Cromwell.  Each one of these people would especially tell you fitting in is for the birds.  How does all this fit in to National Twilight Zone Day?  Who knows, except I make a call for each one of my readers to become his own person.


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