National Bicycle to Work Day

Surprisingly, I do know quite a few people who bicycle to their place of employment on a daily basis.  A few others approach the commute with a combination of bicycling and public transportation.  However one chooses to arrive at their job, I applaud their efforts on saving the environment and gaining some great exercise.  When I worked in downtown Fort Worth, I didn't take full advantage of the opportunity to bicycle to work as I should have.  (It's called sheer laziness on my part!)  Now that I am a route merchandiser with stores spread out as far away as Cleburne, riding my bicycle is not an option and very impractical.  However, I do try to get in a bicycle ride every few evenings during the week.  Bicycling saves on gas and wear on the vehicle, cuts down on toxic emissions in the atmosphere, and provides great exercise for a person of any age.  I highly recommend trying to bicycle to work at least once.  You might surprise yourself in how much you enjoy the commute, especially in the cool hours of the morning if the wind is blowing.  Have a great day and enjoy the holiday!


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