World Book Day!

Seems like there has been an emphasis on books and reading this past week.  Maybe the holiday makers are finally beginning to realize literacy is the backbone of success in life.  Today is World Book and Copyright Day, along with World Book Night.  I am always reading, whether it is my current book and magazine, or simply whatever happens to be in front of me.  Of course the ability to read is important, but the crucial element of it all is a retention and working understanding of the material at-hand.  If I don't understand the content of what I am reading, I am simply repeating words on a page and therefore wasting my time.  Make an effort to slow down enough to fully take in what the author is conveying.  I'm sure the individual isn't writing something to hear himself "speak", so "listen" and understand to what he or she has to say.  Yes, reading is a two-way street.  I have a fairly good-sized library in my apartment, and I am continually adding to it.  Mostly I have works of history/political science, classic literature, and spiritual.  To admit I've barely scratched reading half of the books I own is an honest confession; in fact, 50% might be generous.  One thing is for sure, I'm so far behind in my reading, I'll never get around to reading everything before leaving this world behind.  I always see something new I want to read and thus add it to my reading list.  To celebrate World Book Day, rest assured I will be reading.  Today is a great day to start the habit, if you are not a reader already.  Enjoy!


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