A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Unfortunately, my vehicle is still at the shop.  In the morning I will call to see what the mechanic found out concerning what was wrong and what kind of progress he has made.  In the interim, I took another opportunity to ride my bicycle on another adventure around Fort Worth.  On Tuesdays I meet a friend at Buffalo Bros. for a time of fellowship and a smoke, usually a cigar or two for me and a pipe for him.  In light of this, I still needed to purchase my smokes.  So I took to the streets of Fort Worth with my trusty bicycle.  Yes, I rode the several miles to Spec's in order to purchase two cigars.  Both to and from the liquor store, I stopped along the way to take several pictures.  I'll include the favorite picture of the day to see if you can figure out which one I'm talking about.  I always believed I had strong legs, but I could still tell I was out of bicycling shape.  Maybe I need to exercise more on the bicycle to get in better riding condition.  Today was a beautiful day for riding; however, the wind was a little bit stronger than desired.  Overall, I had a great last day off from work.


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