Salvation Army Founder's Day

The Salvation Army was founded by William Booth in England in the year 1865.  Deeply passionate about his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, he preached the gospel to what the world, at the time and even now, consider the down and out...the hopeless cast-offs of mainstream society.  For Booth, no one was beyond the hope and love of Jesus: every one was an individual to be treated with dignity and love, a person of worth.  Today, the mission and purpose of the Salvation Army continues.  In both urban centers and rural America, the Salvation Army has far-reaching influence.  If anything resembles the hands and feet of the Lord Jesus and his Great Commission, it is the Salvation Army.  Not only do I know about this great organization, but also do I have direct personal experience with them.  In the early to mid-2000's, I succumbed to hard times and became "house-less".  It was at this time I sought the help of the Salvation Army in Victoria, Texas.  They didn't ask anything of me except for what was right and just in the treatment of others.  Neither did they pressure me to pay for the housing and food they freely and lovingly provided.  All they asked is I look for gainful employment and to pay it forward for those who follow.  Years later I was able to do just that in making a financial contribution, for I never forgot their helping hand in dire circumstances.  When friends and family betray, people step in who may be angels of the Lord cloaked as a good Samaritan.  As much as I can, when provided with the opportunity to do so, I contribute financially to the organization, as well as to shop at their retail shopping outlets.  Please look in to the Salvation Army as a way to pay it forward in a world in desperate need of the love of God.  The down and out will party with us, dancing on the streets of gold in Heaven.  We better begin practicing partying together while on Earth.  Thank you William Booth for your obedience to the High Calling of the Lord Jesus Christ.


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