Tunneling Through to the Other Side

Earlier this week I had to walk from downtown to my apartment, roughly three miles from point A to point B.  (The reasons for having to do so were mentioned in a previous post, so I won't re-hash them at this time.)  Thankfully it was a beautiful day for such a walk: overcast weather with a great breeze blowing.  In taking the shortest, most direct route I knew of, I came across an underpass with pedestrian access on either side.  At night, these enclaves are bastions of people steeped in vagrancy and profligacy.  Only a fool with a death wish would attempt to pass through this den of potential violence and assault on civilization.  However, during the mid-morning hours, I figured the vagabond camps had disbanded for the day and I could enter to cross to the other side unmolested.  Surprisingly, I found the "tunnels" rather clean but not very well lit.  In fact, I took a few pictures.  (Are you surprised?)  Places like this underpass can also be found in other spots around town.  This particular one is located at the intersection of Henderson Street and Interstate 30.  Another one, that I know of, is also located on Interstate 30 at the corner of Jennings Street.  If you are up for an adventure, please take the time to explore your surroundings.  (I highly advise doing so during the daylight hours, for your safety.)


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