New Year's Eve

December 31st!  Hard to believe it is here already as 2016 is almost over and we are on the cusp of 2017.  A new year is the time for a clean slate and new opportunities for a different and better future.  Mentally, it is easier to make such resolutions for change with the beginning of another year, but why wait.  Each and every day presents such a chance to leave behind the disappointments and failures I encounter.  Why wait till the start of 2017?  With God and the Lord Jesus Christ, every moment can become anew through the regeneration of our spirits and minds.  Yes, let us make our yearly resolutions and goals for life, but the key is to keep them visibly in front of us each and every day.  I post them on the front door to look at right before I leave to take on the day.  What are your resolutions?  What goals would you like to accomplish this year?  Mine are to exercise more at the gym, to work on my stamp collection, and to continue researching my family history.  These are only a few of the goals I desire to accomplish.  If I fail to pursue them, I can renew my efforts and focus immediately, not having to wait for another year to come around.  Set your goals and live life to the fullest immediately.  Goodbye 2016, you have been good to me.  Hello 2017, you are a fresh canvas waiting for me to paint the portrait of my life.  Just wait, you'll love the art in me.


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