Day of Infamy

          At almost 8 a.m. Hawaiian time, the Japanese struck the naval base on the island of Oahu.  History books and historians would have us believe this was a surprise attack, but I suspect otherwise.  Many valiantly fought and died during this horrific time.  In addition, the Pacific fleet was rendered useless.  Many of the ships were badly damaged or sunk entirely.  A few years later, the United States would have their revenge at the Battle of Midway, gaining a reversal of roles and an advantage against the to-date seemingly invincible Imperial Japanese military.
          One day, I hope to have the opportunity to visit the memorial in Hawaii.  Until then, I am content to read and study about the event that left an indelible mark on the nation.  For those who served, died, or yet remain living, I honor your memory of service to this country.  Thank you for paying the price of freedom.


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