Christmas Party

This evening was the Christmas party at Paladin Cigars.  Every year I am honored with an invitation to attend this social event.  Unfortunately, I had to miss the one last year due to working at another job.  Thankfully this wasn't the case for 2016.  Adding to the flair of the party, I asked a friend to tag along.  I had a great time, and even won a door prize...a three-flame torch lighter.  After two cigars and a few hours of fun and fellowship, I called it a night.  There were a lot of familiar and friendly faces...people I only get to see intermittently.  Even though I am one of the shop's original customers, I only seem to come around once or twice a week or every few weeks.  Nonetheless, everyone was glad to see me.  Food abounded, but I only sampled a few of the desserts.  With shops like this, maybe Fort Worth isn't so bad to live in.  At least I was able to escape the grind of living in a city I still don't particularly care for.  It was a reprieve from the grind of reality.  Thank you Paladin Cigars for making life tolerable for a fellow-sojourner in this world.


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