A Return to Normalcy

The Christmas holiday is over, and I am now back in Fort Worth.  As much as I enjoyed travelling to visit family and friends, I am glad to sleep in my own bed once again.  Sometimes routine can be monotonous and boring, but, in cases like this, I am glad in returning to a sense of routine.  Yes, I love my family, and will continue doing so.  Other opportunities for travelling will present themselves again.  In the meantime, I must report back to work and to the life I know oh so well in the current city of my residence.  Unfortunately, I must report to work at Noon, which is only a few hours away.  Times away from routine are refreshing, like finding that much-needed oasis in a dry, weary desert.  Now I must continue on this journey of life after a four-day reprieve from the drudgery.  Most often, I come back with a clearer vision and a renewed effort for what lies ahead.  This time is no different.  In less than a week, a new year will dawn.  What will 2017 hold for me?  Whatever comes my way, I also have a few goals to accomplish in addition.  Normalcy...what is it and what does it look like for me?  Almost every day, that takes on a different face as I trek the path as a pilgrim.  God and the Lord Jesus Christ are my compass, and from Whom I take my direction.  As each day is given to me, I must take it as a blessing.  Time is to be cherished and utilized to the utmost potential.  Am I using it for selfish means?  Or, am I taking the day for the purposes of a Higher Power.  I shall see.  Until then, I encourage not only myself but also my readers in continuing to engage life for all it has to offer.  Don't merely exist, but become fully alive by the power of the Holy Spirit.


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