New Month

Good grief, is it really December 1st already?  This whole year has blown by me, and I am wondering if I have used the time wisely and productively.  At the end of the month, I will mark a one-year anniversary working for TNG.  I also look back in celebration of six wonderful years working for Tobacco Lane, which closed on Halloween.  Another hallmark of the month will be my 43rd birthday on the 27th.  Wow!  I never thought life would allow me to personally see my forties.  Who knows why I have this buried in my psyche, but I am getting older and hopefully all the wiser.  Was 2016 a good year?  The jury is still out of that issue, but I am desiring an even better 2017.  There are always goals and plans that carry over from one year to another, but what goals will I create for a brand new year?  Recently I have been working more intensely on the family lineage, and am learning more each and every day.  Of course this is something I plan to continue.  In addition, I have plans to head camping, which I haven't been able to accomplish these past two years.  That is one of the disappointments I have, so I better get to work on it.  Are you ready for the end of one year and the beginning of a new one?  How did you treat 2016?  What will be your goals for 2017?  There is a lot to ponder.  Enjoy this month and finish life's journey with excellence.


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