Middle Name Pride Day

What is your middle name?  There are a few people I know who either don't have a middle name or have two or more.  Odd?  Maybe.  My middle name is Elliott.  Look at that closely.  It has two l's and two t's.  At my last place of employment, there were two other people who also had Elliott incorporated in to their name, but their version was spelled differently.  My middle name is a paternal family name after my grandfather.  His first name was Elliott.  In researching the origin and history of the name, there wasn't much definitive as the Elliott clan of England (Scotland?) had their records burned in a great castle fire many centuries ago.  However, one consensus is the meaning in Greek and English uses of the name is: Jehovah is God, my God is Jehovah, and God on High.  How appropriate!  Does this meaning apply to me?  Most definitely!  I am a firm believer in God.  What does your middle name mean?  Find out.  You may become surprised at what you learn.  Enjoy your day and take pride in your middle name.


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