Bibliomania Day!

It looks as if I can really come out of the closet on this one.  Yep, I am a flaming bibliophile, for today is National Bibliomania Day!  For the curious but unknowing, that means crazy for and lover of books.  Several years ago, my then roommate told me about a dream he overheard me having.  At one point I yelled out, "Books!  I need more books!"  This gave rise to much laughter at how true those statements were, even if spoken during a dreamlike state.  In fact, you ought to see the apartment in which I presently live.  One of the many points of pride is the vast amount of books on display, showcased in several fair-sized bookshelves.  The amount is ever-growing, especially when I stumble across a book or two at a thrift store or garage sale.  Most people who have sizable personal libraries, such as mine, are also avid readers as well.  Now my books aren't elaborate first editions or the rare find by some obscure author.  They are simply great books worth reading, books from varying categories such as: history, spiritual, and classic literature.  I realize those three areas of interest are rather broad, but I can definitely attest there are books and authors I won't read.  (No, I won't point fingers by naming names.)  I am somewhat selective in what I read, and certainly more so in what I purchase for the apartment library.  Daily I thank God for the ability to read and reason.  For this, I make it an aim to guard what enters my mind.  To celebrate the day, begin to read on a regular basis, and consider building a personal library.


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