Maundy Thursday

Only recently have I discovered the history and meaning behind this spiritual holiday.  Of course I figured it had something to do with Easter, but I never took the time to really read anything on it.  This morning, out of curiosity, I submitted a Google search on Maundy Thursday.  The day is given in dedication to the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, soon to be apostles.  But it is also so much more than this.  In the context of this last meal together, Jesus teaches His followers about true servant-hood through washing their feet.  Knowing He would get beaten to a pulp and crucified the next day, I am amazed at the composure and fortitude of Jesus.  He is the best and greatest role model to emulate.  Each morning as I pray and read the Bible, I ask for God to feed me the Bread of Life and the Living Water.  This is none other than Jesus Himself.  There is so much I could write about, but I will conclude with the comforting fact our High Priest has been seated at the right hand of God the Father.  This is because the work of salvation has been finished.  Ask for and enjoy what Jesus the Messiah has done for you.  It is for you and me He came to earth.


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