Good Friday

Today marks the commemoration of the crucifixion and death of the Lord Jesus the Messiah.  I must acknowledge the willingness of Jesus to obediently follow the will of God the Father.  If He wasn't willing, then it presupposes neither Jesus or God was fully in control of events on earth.  However, nothing was outside their knowledge and fore-ordination.  Everything went in accordance to the divine redemptive plan of salvation.  The running question is, "Then why is it called Good Friday?"  It is called Good because of what happens during this time culminating in the resurrection from the dead on Easter Sunday.  Conquering sin and death proved the sovereignty of God and His overarching plan for humanity.  The death and burial of Jesus on Friday did seem despairingly dark and bleak, but Sunday was coming.  When life seems dark and without hope, wait for God and His divine timing.  He knows best, and will not leave us in such times of apparent hopelessness.  These are times of growth.  Continue to depend on God.  He is at work and will prevail in glorious victory.  Remember Good Friday!


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