
"He is risen...He is risen indeed!"  This phrase marked the beginning and ending of the church worship service last night.  Yes, today is Easter.  A time to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus the Messiah.  Believers in Jesus have more than enough cause to rejoice as Jesus conquered sin and death to redeem humanity on earth.  If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, Christians are to be a people most pitied.  The good news is overwhelming, abundant evidence proves the tomb is empty and Jesus was a very real person living among us.  To read these proofs and evidence, please read Evidence That Demands A Verdict Vol. 1 & 2 by Josh McDowell, The Case For A Creator by Lee Strobel, and The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel.  These are very detailed in the author's research and do not constitute an easy or fast read.  If you, the reader, is genuinely curious about knowing Jesus, please read these books, as well as a copy of the Holy Bible.  Happy Easter!  "He is risen...He is risen indeed!"


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