Brother's and Sister's Day

About a year ago, there was another holiday called National Siblings Day.  I wonder if this is the same holiday simply re-branded.  Anyway, I do have two siblings: one older sister and one younger brother.  We are far enough apart in age to have watched the other grow up from a baby to adulthood.  My sister watched me grow up from day one, just as I was able to watch my brother grow up from literally the day he was born.  Each of us has a very special relationship, starkly different, with the other.  (This is meant very positively.)  I am extremely thankful for both my sister and brother.  We are now living miles apart, but we still maintain strong family ties and visit when we can.  As the years pass by, and we grow older, the ties of brotherhood and sisterhood grow ever stronger.  If you have siblings, don't neglect or take for granted their presence and influence in your life.  One day all of us will meet death.  If we all know Jesus as Lord and Saviour, then we will have an eternity of fellowship to look forward too.  Take a moment each and every day to show affection and love toward both your brother(s) and sister(s).  Happy Brother's and Sister's Day!


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