March 1st

Another month is upon us, and the weather is absolutely beautiful.  With such a mild winter, the temperatures and breeze are already reminiscent of spring.  After a full morning of work, I was able to call the rest of the day mine to do as I please.  This afternoon I met with my friend at the smoke shop for a time of fellowship over a smoke.  To enjoy the aforementioned weather, as well as to grab a few minutes of exercise in lieu of missing the gym, I rode my bicycle to and from the smoke shop in downtown Fort Worth.  Wow!  I can definitely tell the weight loss and physical conditioning are really paying off.  The ride was very enjoyable and invigorating.  Now I have the remainder of the evening to enjoy my book, Report from Engine Co. 82 by Dennis Smith, and to smoke my pipe.  Life is good!  Thank you God for your blessings of health, great weather, and the ability to enjoy life.


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