National Forgiveness Day!
Resentments are the number one offender. They are poison to our souls and mental health, robbing us of our joy and potential. Resentments, grudges, ire, exasperation...whatever you wish to call the cancer of the soul rotting us from the inside out...the only person our grudges hurt is the person who holds on to them indefinitely. I know this first-hand as I would always say vengeance will be mine one day. Little did I know resentments had a vengeance of their own as I stewed in bitterness and rage against the people who wronged me. Today is National Forgiveness Day! Forgiveness is not easy and takes a lot of sincere and genuine practice. The cliche "Forgive and Forget" is unbiblical and the wrong approach to the balm of the soul. Forgiveness is a salve, a balm for the soul and mind. To forgive doesn't mean to behave as if the wrong-doing never happened, for there are definite consequences for wrong behavior. (I should know!) ...