Simplicity Day

Keep it simple stupid!  This is commonly referred to as a K.I.S.S.  (If you take the first letter of each word, it does in fact spell the word kiss.  Ha!)  Over the years I have often heard this acrostic used when making major decisions or in dealing with the tough issues of life.  What exactly does that mean?  I firmly believe it means to continually have clarity concerning what lies before us.  Don't unnecessarily cloud the issue or make it more overly complicated than it has to be.  I for one immediately begin making a laundry list of "if/then" statements, only to find myself and the situation further in disarray.  This makes the possibility of arriving at a decision even more remote.  Sometimes life also has us trying to keep up with the Joneses, the never-ending pursuit of the latest gadget, trend, or fashion.  Before long, we as human beings are so encumbered by our society-stimulated artificially created need, we have lost the art of a modest lifestyle.  For me at least, camping has a way of taking all that away in order to help re-focus on the basics of life.  On these camping trips, there aren't any alarm clocks, emails, phones ringing, or social is simply me and God communing through His creation.  Once these camping trips are over, I can then re-enter the world with a fresh perspective, with the feeling all the unnecessary weight has been stripped away.  Today is Simplicity Day!  Is it too much to ask to make every day a time of simplicity?  Take a step back to get an honest, objective view of your life.  Is there stuff you feel as if you absolutely have to have but only weighs you down?  You might become surprised to learn it is these very things that take you away from the truly important matters in life.  A simplistic life is the best kind.  For great reading on the subject, I recommend Walden by Henry David Thoreau.  Enjoy your day of simplicity.


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