Tell The Truth Day

In today's world of moral relativism and situational ethics, I often hear people say, "According to my truth...", or when asked how someone would behave in a certain situation, "Well, it depends on...".  Bull!  There is no such thing as "my truth", and it doesn't hinge on any set of circumstances influencing my behavior.  To find oneself in a hellish environment of their own making doesn't dictate what the truth will be.  Nor do times of apparent peace and prosperity.  Even Pilate asked in the narrative of Jesus crucifixion, "What is truth?"  The answer is Jesus Christ.  He is Truth with a capital T.  The Gospel of John 14:6 states, "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.'"  I can already hear people gasp with horror from such a statement, "That's too narrow-minded.  Truth is always in ebbs and flows according to the needs of the situation."  To their credit, truth is experiential, but it is not generated from within us.  Jesus Christ spoke the truth, and it is foundational and immovable.  The New Age movement has really played a scam on humanity in getting us to water down truth.  Maybe this is why people don't know what truth is and have a hard time living in it.  So, what is truth?  Jesus is the Truth, and you can experience Jesus by reading the Holy Scripture.  A relationship with Him can truly set you free, and it is a liberating experience.  One final verse for the day is John 8:31-32, "So He said to the Jews who had believed Him, 'If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'"  Enjoy the holiday, and take comfort in having your mind and soul cleansed by the truth.


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