Be A Kid Again Day

I have struck gold in having the freedom to not act my age.  Today is it!  Can I really be a kid again for a day?  There are many things in life I would love to have the opportunity to do over again.  Remember the TV commercial with the "Do Over" button?  If only life were that simple.  However, I don't believe that is the premise behind the holiday.  Yes, I think most everyone would love to have the constraints of adulthood lifted from time to time.  But why does acting the role of an adult have to be all frowns and involve inflexible seriousness?  Life is meant to be lived with joy and happiness.  Years ago I managed a shoe store in Houston's Bush Intercontinental Airport.  One evening several employees from neighboring stores and I commenced to play tag throughout the terminal and back hallways of the airport.  Come on, you know the game.  Whoever was "it" had to chase after someone, touch them, and then they would become "it".  Throwing caution and restraint to the wind, we all had a blast.  Even now, my sense of humor has taken to a level of dryness often with an ulterior motive of personal amusement.  Of course I have also learned to laugh at myself as some of the practical jokes have gone awry.  At any rate, I can still learn to laugh and not take life too seriously.  Does it only have to be for a day?  Nah!  Let's approach life differently from now on by becoming a kid again from time to time.  Enjoy the holiday.


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