Fourth of July (Independence Day)

Of course today is Independence Day, the day this nation recognizes its long history after declaring a clean break from the Kingdom of Great Britain.  The United States and its citizens enjoy many freedoms...of movement, speech, and expression.  Seemingly, some of our freedoms are eroding; for example, the freedom to practice spiritual beliefs in the public square.  As this particular freedom continues to get assaulted, other freedoms are in jeopardy as well.  Keep in mind, every freedom is intricately intertwined with the other.  (To practice our religion in the public square also involves freedom of expression and conscience.  Please note, it is freedom of not freedom from.)  With freedom comes great responsibility.  It is my duty as a citizen to stand on principal, defending the weak and downtrodden.  In addition, the citizenry must band together in unity to curb the over-reach of an ever-expanding Federal Government intent on tyranny.  Independence is hard-earned, but freedom is even harder-kept.  Keep in mind, the republic was initially set up as exactly that...a republic, not a democracy!  There is a key difference.  In a republic, the citizens directly rule.  In a democracy, the majority rule.  Think about this concept.  There is so much more I could say concerning this topic, but it would transcend the purpose of celebrating the day for what it is.  Enjoy the holiday and remember its true reason.


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