
As of today, I've been working once again at the smoke shop for a little over two weeks, thus holding down multiple jobs.  May I tell the truth?  It's wearing me out!  The blessing is the increased acknowledgement of how precious time is.  I am more appreciative of the rare commodity free time has become and the hobbies I enjoy.  In fact, I have to plan extra carefully for the activities in life I value, and try hard to fit them in between the new demands on my schedule.  And how can I forget, the money is nice.  But I must recognize the true source of my income, and that is God Almighty.  He is the one who truly knows and provides for my needs, not some job or large corporation.  With every paycheck, I immediately give back to the church God's tithe (10%).  It's all His money, not only 10%, but I fulfill the biblical principle every time I make the contribution.  According to Malachai chapter three, I can't out-give God, and I have experienced this countless times in my life.  The smoke shop is scheduled to close at the end of October.  Until then, I am enjoying the extra money of two jobs.  Yes, the demands are tiring, but it is worth the sacrifice.


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