
Life is full of transition, whether good or bad.  Right now I'm sitting in my apartment on a Monday morning wondering what I'm doing with a sudden day off from the job.  In the course of moving from merchandiser to trainer, both Monday stores and one Tuesday store have been reassigned to another employee.  Hmm?!  I suppose that's okay in view of the bigger picture, but in the meantime I have the responsibility of supporting myself through earning income.  Losing today's shift doesn't help any.  Is it bad I'm already thinking I made a mistake about this trainer position and have thoughts of looking for another form of employment?  Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself in understanding the situation.  Over the course of the forty-two years I have spent on this earth, with God in charge, life has always worked out for His glory and worship.  Some of the transitory seasons of my life have been very hairy and nerve-wracking.  Others have been times of excitement as I progressed from better to best.  However, one thing I have learned is times of transition always has a cost associated with it.  This means I'm letting go of the former times and material goods in exchange for the future treasures which await me.  I may still experience unsettling emotions and seasons of life, but the resilience of faith in God usually allows for a time of getting settled and adjusted.  All of this to say, people of routine and habit, such as yours truly, continue to find transition and the unknown a cause for harsh critical analysis.  I think everything will work out just fine.


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