Happy Earth Day!

Yes, today is Earth Day!  Personally I believe everyday ought to be Earth Day.  Recently the Keep Fort Worth Beautiful agency, a division of the city, held a city-wide litter collection drive.  In a few more days and/or weeks, the Trinity River trash pick-up will be held as well.  Even though I haven't officially participated in these activities for quite some time, I do manage to get out at least once a week to pick up litter and trash around the apartment complex and surrounding neighborhood.  It is appalling at how nonchalantly people trash their environment.  This is testimony as to the disposable society we live in: trash, tires, electronics, and the stretch isn't as much as you think...abortion.  People are so inconvenienced by their own personal responsibility, they act savagely and wonder why this nation is in the state of decay it is presently experiencing.  Not only do I think littering should be penalized harshly, but also believe recycling should become mandatory.  But of course this is a fallen, sinful world.  To place harsh retributive penalties on external behaviors will do nothing to correct and reform the attitudes of the heart.  Only the Lord Jesus Christ can take on that challenge, and He will if you allow Him to do so.  In the creation story, mankind was given stewardship, among other duties, over the earth.  This is for the glory and worship of the Creator.  In addition, this acts as an ongoing legacy and heritage to our children and grandchildren.  The obvious question is, "Why wouldn't we want that for our families?"  Well, most people will haphazardly say, "That is the job of the next person.  My single effort won't amount too much good.  Why try?"  How sad!  Don't become like this.  Look to the heavens and thank God for the opportunity to live a responsible life of glory and worship to Him.  Happy Earth Day!


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