Rambling Thoughts and Other Musings

Earlier this week, my direct supervisor asked if I was still interested in becoming a trainer with the company (TNG).  Of course I said yes, but only later did I give it any thought.  This is a blessing from God as the added responsibility will advance other future opportunities.  However, one of the thoughts rambling around in my brain was, "How long before I get bored of training and wish I was doing something else?"  For the most part, I've always known what I wanted out of life, especially in regard to a career, and how life should have unfolded according to the vision I cast.  But guess what, this still ain't it!!  I'm simply blowing in the wind, catching a few breaks here and there, and marking time till the day I get to shake off this disappointing world for the everlasting joy of Heaven with God.  Often I think of the parable of the talents in the Gospel of Matthew.  What troubles me is how harshly God acted in dealing with the servant who hid his talents out of fear for his master.  The concern I have is how it correlates with true believers of Jesus, namely myself.  Without thinking too much of yours truly, I can soberly say God has endowed me with many skills and abilities, giftings as some in the church would say.  (Everyone who receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior is granted at least one gift or talent.  Pun intended.)  Most of my life has been spent in trying to become a faithful practitioner in the usage of the skills and abilities God has granted, but to no avail.  If God blessed me with these special gifts, at what point will He allow me to use them.  If at the end of this life the answer should come back "Never!", will He also treat me in a similar manner as that of the servant in the parable?  I seriously hope not!  Maybe one day the Almighty's thumb will be lifted and I can finally live out the Divine will and purpose I was created for.  Until then, I guess it is training with TNG.


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