National Bicycle Day

I was sure glad to see this holiday.  Maybe the month of April wanted its own piece of bicycle glory as a precursor to the Bicycle Awareness Month of May.  Whatever the case may be, I don't believe the benefits and fun of bicycling can ever be overstated or exhausted.  Granted, I don't ride my bicycle like I formerly did years ago upon moving to Fort Worth, but I still enjoy the recreation and exercise of a weekly ride through the public streets and city parks.  Once May approaches, I'll touch on the many laws concerning and benefits of riding a bicycle.  For now I'll simply encourage all my readers to try getting back in to the rhythm of the sport.  Personally I find bicycling one of the easier sports to undertake, unless, of course, it is for competition.  Then the training is intense.  In addition, the benefit of the outdoors and fresh air can not be compared.  Now that I have a bicycle rack on my vehicle, I also plan to take the bike with me on future camping trips.  However, I must say this is a sore spot as the weather has not been cooperative.  Eventually I'll be able to utilize what I have been blessed with.  I could keep rambling on, but hopefully you get the point and purpose of this entry.  Buy or borrow a bicycle and get started on this contagious endeavor today.  You'll love it.


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