Encourage A Young Writer Day

Encouragement is crucial in the early stages of our development, especially in the formation of our passions in life.  One careless word or flippant response could irreparably damage the course of a young person's life.  Issues of self-esteem and self-confidence may never normalize or become healthy again as one struggles an entire lifetime for perceived acceptance.  Spotting skill and ability in someone is a precious gift.  Fan the flame of that talent.  One of the worst things a person can do is scoff at what someone wants to do in life.  Such mocking questions as, "But you'll never be able to make a living or provide for your family in such a career!" can utterly destroy the blossoming seeds of gifting God may have planted in someone's heart and soul.  Or another example, "Every male in your family has been a doctor.  You WILL follow in your heritage."  What if an impressionable youth doesn't have those giftings or doesn't have the passion for those educational fields?  In discovering this obscure holiday, I implore my readers to foster and cultivate anyone's passions in life, regardless of the age of the person.  God has planted eternity in the hearts of men, and has bestowed gifts and talents to bring other people in to a loving and saving relationship with Jesus Christ.  So, yes, encourage a young writer today, or anyone who you see as having found their calling early in life.


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