April Fool's Day (April 1st)

This year is set to pass me by as the first quarter of 2016 is already over.  Can you believe it?  Wow!  A lot has happened in the first three months of the year: leaving a three-and-a-half year job for a new one, giving up my membership in Toastmasters, and so much more.  With each change I ask God for His direction and timing, to either bless or deny the issue of circumstance before me.  As decisions are made, I do have peace and joy about the change wrought through each resolution.  Coincidentally, today is usually called April Fool's Day.  Several verses in the Bible define what a fool is; in addition, I consider someone a fool who does not take God in to account of their lives.  These type of people erroneously think they call the shots and have any sort of control in what happens during their short time on earth.  Oh how wrong they are!  When they leave this earth and their soul stands before an eternal and infinite God, the opportunity is passed and it is too late to re-think one's snubbing of the Creator of the universe.  When it is too late, they will realize with utter horror how they misspent their lives in wasteful living, ignoring the one Person who could provide true fulfillment and joy unspeakable.  Don't be a fool and let today's observance epitomize your lifestyle and creed.  God wants a relationship with you and has sought you out through His Son Jesus Christ.


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