Tuesdays with Morrie

Years ago, Mitch Albom wrote a book titled Tuesdays With Morrie.  It chronicles the time spent of a former student with his professor, who is slowly getting eaten away with Parkinson's.  Reading the book reminded me how precious time is spent with friends and family.  Why wait for something unfortunate to happen before I take action to show how much I love and care for the individual?  Over the course of the previous four weeks, I have been meeting a dear friend at the smoke shop for a time of fellowship over a cigar or pipe.  This has become our Tuesdays With Morrie.  No, neither one of us has any life-threatening illness or are expected to pass away any time soon.  This time together is simply the enjoyment of friendship with one another.  Most topics of conversation revolve around family and church; however, any subject is fair game during our time of fellowship.  I challenge each of my readers to have their Tuesdays With Morrie with a dear friend or family member.  The time spent will be sweet, and you will be glad you did.  Spend time with the ones you love before it is too late.


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