Gratitude and Contentment and Joy

This is a fast-paced world in which I live.  People are always on the go, and it's easy to get caught up in the rat race of keeping up with the Joneses.  (The new term for this, as seen in a famous criminal case on TV, is "affluenza".)  Stinkin' thinkin' happens, and I have disgust with myself for not living in gratitude, contentment, and joy for what God has blessed me with.  If God chooses not to bless, would my attitude reflect this change in life?  The question was posed to God by Satan, "Does Job (fill in your name) serve God for nothing?"  Hebrews chapter eleven states some of the heroes of faith never received in this life the proofs and blessings of faith which were promised.  And yet they couldn't help but to believe and act faithfully.  Everyday, especially when I walk in the front door of my apartment, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings I so easily take for granted.  First, I thank God for the apartment I have been living in for the last year.  Then I thank Him for the new job He has blessed me with.  Next is usually thanking God for friends and family who have stuck with me throughout life.  Every once in a while I still plan on my next purchase or station in life.  I think, "I'll purchase this until I can save up enough money for the best and newest model." or "This entry-level position is great with the company.  I can use it to finally transfer to a place of residence I actually enjoy and love."  The only purpose this erroneous thinking serves, is to take away the joy and contentment of what God has provide in the here and now.  God, thank you for your provision and blessing.  You take care of me when I falsely think it's really me acting as my own provider.
