Anniversary of Apartment

Today marks one year of residence in my current apartment.  Recognition of the time spent here is worthy of celebration as this accomplishment is of no small feat or effort.  For the first almost four years in Fort Worth, I lived in a two-story, 1,800 square feet house with no air conditioning or heat and a rodent problem.  The landlord finally asked me to move due to constant petitions, on my part, to repair many severe issues involving the house.  One of the issues was a severely leaking rook on the second floor.  Another issue was the fact the landlord was a hoarder and was constantly bringing over stuff to store in the back lot.  For every season of life the time had come to move.  Considering my legal background, available and affordable rental property was scarce.  As a result, a friend allowed me to move in to the spare room of the house he was currently renting and living in.  Thank God for a place to live, but this roommate situation turned out to be a nightmare.  Sometimes I wonder about the mental health of most people.  This guy had a running commentary on everything I did.  He was intrusive and could not leave me alone.  Finally I had enough!  Much to my regret, living as roommates may have destroyed the friendship.  At this point, God blessed me with the current apartment, and I can now honestly admit I have a home instead of a mere place to live.  In the year I have lived here, this place has become an oasis, a place to retreat from the storms of the outside world and of life.  (This doesn't mean I isolate or intend on becoming a hermit or recluse.)  Mental and emotional healing has occurred as I can finally let my guard down to relax by not always standing on edge.  In conclusion, I must thank God for His blessing of this apartment.  This is a great place to live.  Happy one-year anniversary!


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