Satisfied Staying Single Day

I wish that all of you were as I am.
But each of you has your own gift from God;
one has this gift, another has that.
Now to the unmarried and the widows I say:
It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.
But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.  (I Corinthians 7:7-9)

The entire seventh chapter of I Corinthians is a great treatise on marriage, and how to treat one another in the context of relationship.  The purpose of this entry is to not expound on what Paul wrote, as if I had the formal training to do so, but to share my experience of singleness in affirmation of what he wrote.  Attending through High School in to the first few years afterward, I thought it was "God's plan" for me (everyone) to get married and to become fruitful by multiplying the human race forward.  Turns out this was a very secular indoctrination unbeknownst to my yet experienced-trained intellect.  I did not have the discernment of intellect to realize this was a societal pressure placed on people.  Yes, of course, God created the institution of marriage between one man and one woman with the purpose of having children.  However, I firmly believe the fallen sinful nature of humanity has corrupted this beyond the original design and intention.  (Take a look around you the next time you are in public for proof of this.)  Does God want me to get married?  I don't know as He hasn't brought anyone "special" in to my life.  Am I currently on the lookout for that special someone.  I must confess an emphatic "NO!".  Sometimes the desire for a companion rears its head from time to time, but it isn't enough of a desire to overrule and spoil the other more important desires I have and wish to pursue.  So much of what I already enjoy, the very ecstasy of life, is proliferated exponentially by my singleness.  The ability to camp, drive all night across country, or to hike the Grand Canyon all give my soul an unfettered sense of freedom.  Remaining unmarried isn't limited to the earthly realm, but is mainly rooted in the spiritual world.  The Apostle Paul speaks intelligently on this matter.  (You may read for yourself in lieu of my poor exposition.)  Remaining unmarried provides focus on the Will of God, instead of a divided heart between the cares of this world and what God has called me to do.  In the end, I am very satisfied and content in remaining single.  For all the satisfied singles reading this entry, enjoy the day and give God the glory for it.
