Year in Review
Soren Kierkegard once said that life can only be understood looking backward but must be lived moving forward. (My paraphrase.) As I look back on the previous year plus, I am amazed at the journey yours truly has taken. The only observation that counts is how my Father God has walked with and blessed me the entire time. With the exception of some temp work here and there, I was fortunate enough to have had enough money in the bank to take off for most of 2021. Again, the Great Shepard has richly provided when I needed His help the most. If I cease resisting His hand of providence and love for me, the lover of my soul has proven time and again that He is willing to grant a rich life far beyond anything I could ever fathom in this temporary earthly life. I am simply a pilgrim on a journey to an eternal kingdom. This life is the proving ground for the next world. Of course I will experience less than ideal circumstances and personal rev...