Thanksgiving of Gratitude!

Thanksgiving is an attitude and not simply a holiday celebrated one day a year.  Keeping my mind on and praising God for the many blessings I have keeps me from wallowing in resentment, bitterness, and depression, which I'm prone to do.  Life hasn't unfolded the way I wanted, but that doesn't mean yours truly hasn't had a productive, fulfilling purpose in living.  Instead of gaining a plethora of material wealth, I would like to focus in having a positive impact on those around me.  Does each person at the cigar shop see Jesus living through me?  How does that play out in my response or reaction when I seem to have a setback?  Is my first visceral instinct to lash out in anger or thank God maybe He has different plans for me?  I was scheduled for a bunch of extra hours this holiday and Black Friday weekend.  Instead, I got sick!  There was absolutely no way yours truly could have functioned on the job with the coughing, hacking, and screaming headache I experienced.  In visiting Urgent Care at the local hospital, the doctor diagnosed acute allergies and provided a steriod shop with the suggestion I take off from work till at least Monday.  Ugh, not what I wanted to hear!  Of course the owner of the cigar shop wasn't happy about the news.  Neither was I as the missing shifts were desperately needed financially.  What is the larger picture to all this?  Simply a reminder God is my Provider and not some corporation or employer.  My Great Shepard knows what is best for me, and I should trust in His leadership when I can't quite see what's around the corner.  Well, today I am grateful for: family, friends, a wonderful apartment, health, and so much more.  What are you thankful for?


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