Heart Desires

On Tuesday, my job search came to an end with employment at Run On! by JackRabbit.  I finally found something I can dive into with the totality of my being...a full-time job with decent pay and benefits.  The cherry on top is I will now work Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.  No more dead-end employment running the rat race with no real goal to reach.  The job description includes working in the distribution center fulfilling orders and maintaining organization in the stock room, which is something I formerly performed with other shoe companies in Houston.  I couldn't be more pleased with this immense blessing from my Abba Father, the Lord Jesus.  Now the challenge is to learn what is both required and expected from me.  As an older, more mature, individual, I also need to the learn the tech aspect of the position, as well as to make sure I am physically capable of accomplishing the tasks at-hand.  After working four days, I am exhausted and can now look forward to a weekend of rest and rejuvination.  Of course I am praying for God's assistance in all this.  He is fully able to provide what I need to excell in this job and to glorify and worship Him with this new-found opportunity.  Becoming proficient will take time, and I need to remember not to be too hard on myself.  Also, I want to make sure my outspokeness doesn't sabotage this blessing.  I need to discharge the duties I was hired to perform, not to run the show.  Yours truly has the chance to lead by example and to build up those working around me.  I am so grateful and blessed.  May I strive toward getting settled and becoming a member of my new work family.  God is so good!  Even without His blessings, He is worthy of my obedience and trust.  Thank you, Father God, for Your provision, which is abundantly more than I could ever ask for.


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