Happy New Year!

The year 2020 flew by at break-neck speed.  Yes, it was a rather odd year with the Corona Virus, but I am more amazed at how it seemed to pass me by without much to show for it.  Not knowing how life will turn out, I am continually in awe at how my Abba Father provides for me.  He is all-knowing and ever-present in my life, blessing me beyond measure in spite of myself.  With the "pandemic" ramping up in March, getting the work-from-home job with Enterprise in February was great timing.  This only confirms Ecclesiastes 3:11, "He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  Leaving that job about eight months later, again I was richly provided for through temporary day labor employment.  Another milestone of the year was the expiration of my ten-year legal obligation.  The underlying reason behind the State of Texas supervision was totally bogus and laughable, but I had to endure the consequence without recourse nonetheless.  Thinking this day would never come, it arrived right on time.  Needing to decompress from life under their thumb and grow accustomed to a newfound freedom, I still find myself getting acclimated to what a normal life will now look like for yours truly.  Losing my truck to a natural, mechanical death in October, I have shifted to a more simpler life.  Longing for this liberation of sorts has been a long time coming.  I have no desire in allowing the world to dictate what I must have in order to become happy.  Having a vehicle was not only convenient but also a great responsibility.  Until God provides in His timing, I am wholeheartedly content with public transportation and the freedom of excusing myself from the rat race.  Living simply is totally free-ing!  Well, 2021 is here, and I am looking forward to seeing what Abba Father has in store for me.  I must be ever watchful and full of prayer to keep growing in our vibrant relationship.  Unless I'm in sync with my Heavenly Father, I won't be able to see and experience His direction and blessings.  Don't miss out on the fullness of life by not knowing the God who created everything, including you.  He wants to know you and have you experience the life only He can give.  Know him today...!


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