Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcholics Anonymous is a twelve-step group providing support and encouragement for breakfing free from the addiction of alcoholism.  Over the years, I have considered myself a member of this organization, specifically calling Southwest my home group.  This fellowship, especially as I gain significant distance from my last foray as an active drinker, has evolved to hold various meanings during the different seasons of life.  At this point, I mainly attend as a means to get out of the apartment for a bit and to meet my social needs.  Lately, I have found it increasingly difficult to maintain a semi-active role in the program due to disagreement with a few core beliefs held by A.A. in general.  Not in any particular order, I adamently disagree with calling alcoholism a disease and refuse to acquiese to the overarching view a member can define or create his/her own higher power.  Alcoholism is an addiction, not a disease.  It is a learned behavior and, quite frankly, a sin.  It is not a disease because this negates personal responsibility.  In addition, it is not A.A. plus God that keeps me sober.  Sobriety is found and maintained solely through a relationship with the Lord Jesus.  He has delivered me from alcoholism and will help me maintain that freedom by walking obediently with Him on a daily basis.  God plus anything (fill in the blank) is heretical theology and a distortian of who God is.  He doesn't need any help in bringing about His will and design for His kingdom.  A key phrase in A.A. literature states, "...God, as you understood Him..."  Who am I to presume to understand God?  It should read, "...God, as He has revealed Himself to me..."  There is the one true God, the Creator of the universe and supreme King of everything visible and invisible.  Of course I can get to know Him through His holy word, the Bible.  In that relationship, a faith will develop with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Ascribing to God anything that cannot be found in holy scripture is to make him an idol, a demonic picture or corruptible man-made image that is erroneous.  As a believer, I am called to spread the good news of Jesus' saving death and resurrection.  To allow someone to continue in their theological error is unloving and a violation of my conscience.  Doing so gives the victory to Satan, as he is called a thief and murderer.  The enemy's purpose is to steal, kill, and destory, and he would love to deceive huge swaths of people to think they have a relationship with God, when all they're doing is following something fake and non-existant.  On judgement day, many people will be shocked to hear the Lord say, "Depart from me for I never knew you!"  How terribly sad!  If I fail to tell someone about the Lord Jesus, their blood is on my hands.  Do you know Jesus?


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