Pet Peeves (Part II)

In posting the first list of pet peeves, there were quite a few that merited listing; however, since I wanted to keep it at a true top ten list, here is another list of pet peeves.  In this case, I shall limit it to five.  Maybe it's because I don't want very many people to truly realize how the outside world grates on my nerves and continually assaults my sense of reason and logic.  Sometimes simply leaving the apartment and interacting with the general public is enough to send me screaming to the funny farm (insane asylum).  Anyway, here we go...

1)  Barking dogs
2)  Loud car radios, especially when the bass is turned up
3)  People who don't pay attention (no clue what's happening around them and how their behavior affects other people)
4)  Getting treated like I'm stupid or an idiot
5)  People who are gossip-driven, and as a result participate in character assassination

Well, folks, here they are.  Yes, these very things bother me to a great degree.  Possibly the very fact I have stuff which bothers me indicates I still choose to engage life and the outside world.  Hmm?!  Have a great day and don't let your pet peeves get the best of you.


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