Book Lover's Day

Bibliophile, or a lover of books, is a certain breed of person.  It is one who is usually eccentric and follows the path of another drummer, most of the time it is in his own world.  The abode of such an individual is awash with books, learning, and adventure.  This person can experience life and brave new worlds without ever leaving the arm chair of the reading room.  Personally speaking, many friends and guests will comment on the amount of books I own.  But I must confess, I don't have near enough.  There is no such thing as enough when it comes to reading.  Granted, there are books you would never catch me reading because they aren't worth my time and effort, but I always discover another three to five books for every one I read.  Slowly but surely, I am endeavoring to play catch-up on what I haven't yet read.  Goodreads ( challenged each member to set a goal for the number of books read in 2016.  Since this was the first time in participating in the event, I set a goal of twenty books.  I achieved that goal during the first week of July.  Everything above and beyond twenty books is gravy.  Next year I may challenge myself to twenty-five books.  Book Lover's Day is a well-deserved holiday, which can be found scattered throughout the year.  Are you an avid reader?  It is never too late in life to acquire an avid love affair with books and reading.  Certainly you don't have to immediately become an expert reader.  No one ever starts at such an advanced level.  Take it slow and steady.  Such friendships and eventual romances of such zeal always takes time.  Happy reading!


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