God's Preeminence Day

The name of this holiday is a huge understatement.  For those who have seen God at work and have a personal relationship with Him, already know and have experienced His greatness.  Almighty God is seated on His throne, uncontested in authority and ruling in splendor and majesty.  The dictionary has a few synonyms, which somewhat adequately capture the meaning of the word preeminence.  They are as follows: supremacy, distinction, prominence, predominance, prestige, stature, fame, renown, and celebrity.  Wow!  Who is this God these words describe?  To use Old Testament terminology, He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  He is also the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.  Yes, this means evolution is erroneous, and mankind did not have its origin from some primordial ooze.  On a more personal level, God also condescends to humanity's level through the person of Jesus Christ, also fully God and fully man, to seek a saving relationship with His creation.  God is also preeminent in His Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence.  All this means, is He is all-knowing, ever-present everywhere at the same time, and all-powerful.  In addition, He is infinitely wiser than anyone here on Earth.  Anyone who has not experienced God nor has a relationship with Him, can do so at anytime.  The Biblical book of Romans states humanity is without excuse as the creation around us literally screams to us as a testament to the God of Heaven.  One day this life will be over, and we will stand before a Holy God.  Don't miss the opportunity to spend an eternity of living in Heaven worshipping God.  By the time we stand before God, it will be too late to ignite a relationship with a God who wants to know you.


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